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Affiliate Program - Terms and Conditions


Purpose and rules of participation in the Affiliate Program

Any adult person or company that has its own website may join AP, register in the program and place a banner, link or any other form of advertisement of the store on its website.Joining AP is voluntary and does not require any payment.The participant registering in AP is obliged to provide his/her true data, i.e. :if the participant is an individual, not running a business: name, surname and address of residence(for correspondence), as well as PESEL no. and bank account no. (for the realization of cash payments from the program),individuals running a business and companies: company name, address of headquarters, NIP no. and bank account no.


Rules for determining commissions

Orders, placed by a customer redirected through an affiliate link, have a value according to the conversion rate: 1 zloty=1 point (applies only to the amount for the goods, without shipping costs).PP Participant receives 5% of the point value of the retail customer's order (excluding orders returned, canceled, fraudulent, unclaimed or not completed for other reasons).In addition, the Participant will receive 1% of the value of the commission on the order of another Participant enrolled by his/her referral (indirect commission). Each Participant, after logging into the PP administration panel, can check the number of orders and the amount of the current commission at any time.The entry of a customer through an affiliate link is remembered by the system for 3 months.When a customer registers or makes a purchase during this period, he will be assigned to the partner who referred him. Such a customer is assigned to the Participant permanently. The exception is customers previously acquired by another Participant or already registered in the store. In this case, the Participant receives a one-time commission.


Use of points

Points accumulated on the Participant's account can be used in the following ways:in the first place - they can be taken into account in settlements between the partner and the service (the Participant has the opportunity to generate a voucher), the minimum amount for the voucher is 50 points (50 PLN), points are converted into money - in the Polish currency (PLN) and paid out in cash, the minimum amount to be paid out is 50 points (50 PLN). The withdrawal can be received 45 days after the award of the commission (this term takes into account the 30-day time for withdrawal from the contract and the time for processing this action)Withdrawal from PP is carried out within 14 days, at the request of the Participant. Withdrawals are made by wire transfer (cost 0 PLN) or postal order (the cost of 5 PLN is borne by the Participant of the program).The condition for making a withdrawal for the Participant who is an individual conducting business and for companies with legal personality is the prior issuance of a VAT invoice.The Organizer undertakes to send once a year to the appropriate Tax Office and to the Participant who is an individual not conducting business, PIT8C. This document should be included in the tax return filed by the Participant.


Obligations of the Participant and the Organizer

Participant is obliged, in his own interest, to notify the Organizer of any change in his contact details.Participant may at any time resign from participation in PP without losing the points earned - subject to a minimum payment of 50 points (50 PLN). reserves the right to terminate cooperation at any time without giving any reason. In such case, the Participant shall be paid back all collected commissions within 14 days, keeping the minimum payment of 50 points (50 PLN). shall not be held responsible for the manner (or content) in which the Participant advertises the store. The Participant shall, at's request, change the form (texts) of advertisements if it would be detrimental to the store's image or against the law. It is forbidden to induce purchases through advertisements by announcing in discussion groups not intended for this purpose, as well as by methods inconsistent with applicable laws and rules of Internet etiquette.The PP may not be joined by sites containing pornographic, racist and other content that is inconsistent with Polish law.


Acceptance of the regulations and information about changes

Application and registration in PP means that the Participant has read and accepts the provisions of the regulations of the affiliate program.The organizer will notify Participants of changes to the regulations and changes to the terms and conditions of the affiliate program by email.

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