Mega large striped urban shopper beach bag
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Mega large striped urban shopper beach bag
- Mega Torba idealna na lato wykonana z materiału tkaninowego z plecionym dołem
- Bardzo pojemna
- Zapinana na suwak
- Podszewka
- Raczki ze sznurów wiązanych na supły
- Do torby dołączona jest mała saszetka
- szerokość:50 cm
- wysokość:35 cm
- głębokość:15 cm
- Very capacious
- Zippered
- Lining
- Handles made of ropes tied in knots
- A small sachet is attached to the bag
- width: 50 cm
- height: 35 cm
- depth: 15 cm
Mega large city shopper beach bag is a combination of functionality and style. The bag is made of high-quality materials, which ensures durability and comfort of use. It has a capacious shape, thanks to which it will fit everything you need for the beach or the city. In addition, the bag is decorated with fashionable stripes, which gives it a unique character. Perfect for people who value comfort and style.
Material65% Cotton35% Polyester
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